Artist RE Böhme ww2 WW2…Additional Info from my Mom

WW2…Additional Info from my Mom

It came to my attention that my Brother received a letter from my Mom way back 40 years ago explaining the night Dresden was bombed. He made a copy for me and as I read it, I started to remember the things I forgot or maybe wanted to forget.

The night before the bombing my Mom had a dream and I am writing this in her own words.

On February 12, 1945 I saw our whole residential area in a blaze. I saw all swastika flags burning. I saw also a streetcar which in reality did not go through our street, but in my dream it stood in the middle of the street. I got in and hid with my 5 children under the seats. I lay down in front of them in order to protect them. I heard the planes approach. I tried to comfort my children ” don’t be afraid! ” and emmediatlely I heard a terrible roaring and  crashing. I don’t know for how long, but suddenly the noise gradually faded away.

I told the Children to get up (of course in my dream) took the little one in my arm and said, “let us get out now” . Then we hurried down the streetcar and I noticed that all the people in side the streetcar where dead. A dreadful sight, all dead.

It made me cry over and over again and while I was crying I woke up. I folded my hands and said ” Oh my God I thank you for only being a dream.

The dream however, left traces with me. It made me think, it made me worry.

In the Morning I went to see my neighbor and told her about my dream and how worried I was. My neighbor had a little child just a few weeks old. She was shocked and also became worried. She contacted her mother who lived near by and both packed a few things and left with the baby our city of Dresden.

I was frightened and kneeled down asking God to decide on our fate, then I calmed down and told my self that I had only dreamed.

Nevertheless this dream was to become true. ……………….

There is more, and I will continue with her letter. Many things I already talked about, the things I remember.

Some things I didn’t wrote about because I wasn’t sure how it went make sense to me now,  after reading her letter. I guess you might could say, I’m having a AH-HA moment.

Read the first WW2 post here

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