Artist RE Böhme ww2 WW 2 # 18

WW 2 # 18

Every day was a new challenge, for all of us.

More refugees from other destroyed cities became our new neighbors. By then people where a little kinder, I guess we broke the ice. No one ever had to deal with strangers before, so you really couldn’t blame them to be reserved.

My Dad was one of the last POW to return home. He believed all along that we died in the bombing of Dresden. The Red Cross wasn’t permitted to oversee the POW camps for quite some time. Like so many POW’s, they had to work hard. There was a lot of destruction to clean up and guess who had to do the worst jobs?  THE POW.

In the mean time my mom had to deal with taking care of 5 children all by herself. There was one church in the village that the Protestants and Catholics shared. One smal country store that carried a smal amount of food, most farmers took care of there own needs.  One doctor and his waiting room was always packed. The nearest dentist was 20 miles away.

I remembe my little sister coming home with her big toe missing. My mom put a towel around the foot and carried her to the doctor. We had no means of transportation, but I am sure she run over the speed limit. There was no time to waste, she prayed and cried all the way to the  office while my little sister kept telling her not to cry she will grow another big toe.

She had no idea if the doctor was on duty. WOW, talking about God answering prayers. He just arrived picking up his bag to go on a house call as my mom stepped through the door.

It was a long recovery for my little sister and my mom.

Read the first WW2 post here

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