Artist RE Böhme ww2 WW 2 # 13

WW 2 # 13

No place for us to linger except traveling towards Wuerzburg where we thought my Dad was still in the Hospital, but as we found out he was gone looking for us, what now ?

I can still see my moms face; she was pretty close to crying. I’m sure she cried many time in her private moments. She put her trust in the Lord and nothing, absolutely nothing, could change that.

We stopped at my other grandparents home, my moms mother and stepfather. Not sure for what reason but my mom didn’t have a very close relationship with her parents. She was raised by her grandmother. So you can imagine how desperate the situation must had been for her to stop there hoping to get a little bit help. Well,  we had a roof over our head and some  food to eat. The bombs didn’t destroy’d there home but the food was sparce.

At that time we where able to contact the Red Cross. We received some food ration and some clothing but it also became more and more difficult to stay at my grandparents home. There wasn’t much room for us children, besides our grandparents where not used to us. Practically strangers in their home. I remember, my grandparents where very strickt with us children. My older sister got her nose broken by my grandmother for talking at the dinner table. It wasn’t a happy place to be.

We had to leave and became refugee’s in our own country.

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