WW2 # 14

Rumors where that the war will end soon and everybody was looking forward to that day. You couldn’t tell though, tanks and big military trucks transporting soldiers was a sight we saw over and over again.  Only difference, it was the French army pulling there troops out  including prisoners of war; my dad was one of them.

He never made it back to his post after he visited Dresden. He carried around with him a message about his family, names and the address where we used to live and was hoping to contact some officials who could help him to find us.

When all looked impossible there was a Blessing – He had the opportunity to put that message, with his whereabouts, in a empty Coca Cola bottle and throw the bottle out of the truck. Someone saw that and picked up the bottle,  found the note and contacted the Red Cross.

There is another example how wonderful God guided us.

Read the first WW2 post here

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