WW2 #7

Not sure how much time we had to get back down to the basement. I know we didn’t had enough time to get my little brother dressed. He was overly tired, nothing could wake him up. There was no time to waste. The alarm stopped and we could hear the airplanes approaching.

There where many planes and the sound of many explosions. We made it to the basement in time, but barely in time my mother told us. We sat in the basement quietly in one corner hoping and praying, mostly praying. But they kept coming with so much noice and power it was frightening.

One after another all around us. Not sure how long but eventually it stopped. You could hear the people around us talking and trying to make their way out of the basement. Our building was hit but no one know how much. There was no way out, the phosphor started to run down the basement walls.

We couldn’t use the stairs. There was only one way out. We had to crawl to a small window from basement to basement till we reached the end of the street. That was a scary thought for many and no one made an effort to go. There was no time we all would burn alive if we stay in the basement.

My mom crawled through the window first and our Nany handed her the children. It was difficult and very scary not knowing what’s on the other end. I have no idea how many made it out to safety after us, the building  burned down to the ground.

Finally out of the buildings but far from safe.

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